PL24Reboot is a community project providing free laptops for those who need them in the PL24 area (Par) and elsewhere in Cornwall.
The project started during the January 2021 pandemic lockdown, when there were lots of children home-learning with inadequate access to a suitable device. Now, the project has expanded to provide laptops to anyone in Cornwall who needs one to learn, get a job or just connect with other people.
There are hundreds of unused laptops tucked away in cupboards (11 million nationwide, according to Nominet). We want to give these a new lease of life by giving them to children and disadvantaged users in our area, to improve their opportunities.
We ask for donations of laptops, in working order, up to 12 years old. The first thing we do is to completely wipe the hard drive to eliminate all trace of their former owner.
We then rebuild the machine as a Chromebook, suitable for home learning with all of the Google tools such as Classroom. Other suites such as Microsoft 365 also work as web-apps.
Some fairly new laptops are rebuilt with Windows so that they can be used by people doing IT foundation courses.
Laptops are supplied, free of charge, to adults and children in Cornwall. Agencies, charities or schools prioritise who needs them most and deliver them. We don't provide laptops directly to users.
There is no money involved: people donate laptops, we set them up with free software and then give them away.
Re-using laptops in this way helps people, using a resource that is already here in Cornwall that would otherwise be adding to the pile of electrical waste.
Who’s donating?
Laptops are mainly donated by people who have bought a new device and simply put their old laptop away in a cupboard. We also accept donations from businesses.
Why are people donating?
Nobody wants to throw out a laptop! Laptops seem too valuable to do that. Also, people worry that their data or identity may be at risk. By donating to PL24Reboot, both issues are solved.
What is the need for laptops?
Even after the pandemic, access to expensive laptops for learning is a problem. With lockdown in place, devices were desperately needed for children and young people to do their home learning. Now, we serve a wide range of adult users, too.
How do I get a laptop?
We have worked with most of the academy groups that run the schools in our area: CELT, Kernow Learning, TPAT, Aspire and St Barnabas. We also receive requests from support workers helping disadvantaged people who need a laptop to improve their skills or get a job. Agencies include Pentreath, CN4C and Women's Centre Cornwall.
Who is funding the project?
Nobody! It’s free. Laptops are donated, we use free software that requires no licence payment and we give away the laptops to people who need them. There are a few costs for things like replacement chargers and consumables but that’s about it. The Par Bay Big Local project kindly stepped up and offered to cover costs like these, and we are happy to be part of their digital inclusion strategy.
What can I donate?
Any Windows laptop or Macbook Pro up to about 12 years old is good. Please see the checklist on the Donate page. It must be in working order with no significant damage and preferably complete with its charger. You must own the laptop and have the right to donate it. We cannot make use of tablets/ipads or phones.
Is it safe to donate?
Yes. The first thing we do when a laptop comes in is to completely wipe the disk using a utility called ShredOS. This is extremely comprehensive and takes many hours to complete, sweeping away all the data. We then install a completely different system that turns the laptop into a Chromebook. In some cases we rebuild laptops with Windows.
What’s a Chromebook?
A Chromebook is a Google-based laptop. It is not Microsoft Windows. It has the excellent Chrome browser and all of the Google apps like Docs, Gmail, Photos, Youtube, Classroom etc. Being a simpler system than Windows, old laptops work much much better and faster. We use ChromeOS Flex (formerly called Cloudready) to set up the laptops and they are all configured in exactly the same way.
How do I donate?
See the Donate page for full details. Please read the Engagement Policy, below.
How do I donate if I’m not local?
You could post the laptop to us but it’s probably better to find a scheme local to you. See the BBC Make a Difference webpage or the Restart Project. Or set up your own local scheme, copying what we have done here, which is suitable for a small-scale operation. You only need organisational skills, a modest level of professional IT expertise and some space to do it. See also Good Things Foundation and the Nominet Reboot scheme.
Who is behind this scheme?
Having discovered that there was no local scheme to reuse his old laptop, Bob Shillito has set this one up, following the principles recommended by the Nominet Reboot scheme. Although better known for teaching school children to sail and windsurf during his time at Polkerris Beach, Bob previously worked in secure IT and on a series of projects large and small - skills which are now being put to use once again.
Engagement policy
The donor
The donor must agree:
The recipient
The recipient must agree:
Agency, school or other distribution partner
Privacy policy
PL24Reboot promise to respect the confidentiality of any personal data you share with us, to keep it safe, and to take every effort to protect your privacy. We will always be clear how, when and why we collect and process your information; we promise we will never do anything with your details that you wouldn’t reasonably expect.
We collect information in the following ways:
When you give it to us directly by getting touch, for example to make a donation or to request a device
When you give it to us indirectly by requesting a device or information via third party such as a partner agency. These independent third parties will only share your information when you have consented.
Via Social Media. Depending on your settings or the privacy notices for social media and messaging services like Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn or Twitter, you might give us permission to access information from those accounts or services.
Our website does not use cookies or any kind of tracking or monitoring processes.
What personal information we collect and how we use it:
We will only ever capture the minimum amount of information that we need in relation to your interaction with us, such as keeping track of donated devices and to who they were distributed. We do not collect any data from under 18’s. See also our Child Protection Policy.
Data Sharing:
We do not need to share your data with any other party. However, if there is a specific requirement to do so, for example, for publicity purposes on our website or social media your written permission will be obtained.
How long we retain your information and how we keep it up to date:
For donors, we will only keep your information for as long as we need it to efficiently process your donated device.
Partner’s information will be updated only as required to maintain an ongoing relationship.
We will disclose your personal information to third parties if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our users, or others.
How we keep your information safe and who has access to it.:
We ensure that there are appropriate physical and technical controls in place to protect your personal details. We have a duty to report certain types of personal data breaches to the relevant supervisory authority, and where feasible, we will do this within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach. If a breach is detected and likely to result in a high risk of adversely affecting you, we will inform you without undue delay.
Your data on the donated device
We will destroy any personal data held on the device, as set out in the Engagement policy.
Our contact details:
Bob Shillito, PL24Reboot,
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
PL24Reboot delivers devices to children and young adults through third parties such as schools, colleges, social care organisations and other agencies. These third parties also become responsible for supporting recipients in the first instance.
Where further support is required directly from PL24Reboot, we will only communicate with or assist in person with a user at the explicit request of the agency and the permission of the young person’s guardian. Any such communication will always be in the presence of the guardian.
Where publicity for PL24Reboot will help to generate further benefits for young people, stories and photographs about individuals may be considered. In this case, the explicit permission of both the agency that supports them, and their guardian will be obtained. In such cases, any young person will be identified only by their first name, or anonymously.
PL24Reboot will never hold any user login details.
Child protection statement:
PL24Reboot believes that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people, by a commitment to practice which protects them.
We recognise that:
We will seek to safeguard children and young people by: